F.B. Purity v4.3.0 – Adds Delete Recent Activity Button, App + Extra Filters now work on Profile pages

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Ive just released and update to FB Purity (V4.3.0)

New in version 4.3.0 of FB Purity:

  • Adds “delete recent activity” button to your profile page
  • “App + extra” filtering (and Whitelisting and Blocking) now works on profile pages
  • Added delete friend request button.
  • Enables full screen button for youtube videos.
  • Moved FBP Information Bar below the compose window.
  • New extra option to filter recent activity on profile pages
  • Improved the “block all apps on the page” functiontionality
  • Added nokia N900,and Ovi by Nokia to default app whitelist.

Delete Recent Activity Button – Regain Your Privacy

The delete recent activity button shows up on your Facebook profile page, like so:

and lets you delete all the recent activity that is currently showing (on screen) on your profile page, if you want it to delete more recent activity, you need to scroll the page down, and click “Older Posts” a few times, the more times you click the older posts link the more recent activity stories the function will be able to delete. Next click the “Delete Recent Activity” button, which is displayed next to your “Edit Profile” page. A summary of all the Recent Activity messages that are currently on the page, will be displayed, like so:

and you will be asked whether you want to proceed with deleting them, if you click “OK” FBP proceeds to delete them one by one, it updates the button with the count of how many its deleted, and when its complete it will pop up an alert box telling you its finished, like so:

Application and “Extra” Filtering Now Works on Profile Pages

You can now filter out the application messages from other peoples profiles, and also certain “extra” messages can also be filtered, and the Custom Text Filter also works on profile pages now too. Not all the “extras story options” work on profile pages, as they have different ID codes to the ones on the homepage, im still investigating how best to deal with the different codes. Theres also a new Extra option called “Hide Recent Activity (Profile Pages), as its title suggests, it lets you hide the Recent Activity blocks on peoples profile pages, if you do choose to hide them, as always you can show them again by clicking the “Show Extras” link in the FBP information bar.

Added delete friend request button.

Facebook recently decided to remove the Delete friend request button, instead replacing it with a “Not Now” button, FBP now adds the Delete button back, so you can instantly decide whether or not you want to delete a friend request. The extra button looks like this:

Enables full screen button for youtube videos.

Facebook also recently decided to remove the “Full Screen” button displayed in Youtube videos, which let you watch Youtube videos full screen in your facebook newsfeed, i guess its because they want people to use their own Facebook Video product. Anyway, FBP now re-enables the Full Screen video for Youtube videos.

Get the latest version of F.B. Purity ( v4.3.0 )

If you like FB Purity, and would like to return the favour, please donate to show your appreciation and gratitude, Cheers! :) — Steve

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One Response to “F.B. Purity v4.3.0 – Adds Delete Recent Activity Button, App + Extra Filters now work on Profile pages”

  1. rather useful post. thanks