Archive for March, 2010

Facebook Deleted The FB Purity Fan Page With Virtually No Warning

The FBPurity Fan Page had 5,042 fans at the time it was killed. I received just a couple of minutes notice as to what the actual problem was, and then the site was gone! I cannot begin to tell you how angry I am about this. Anyway I also received an email from their lawyers, […]

Facebook Purity Emergency!!! Facebook want to shut down the FBP fan page

I have just received the following notification email from facebook, and also receive the same warning when i log into my facebook account. ————————————————————— Hello, You created a page that has violated our Terms of Use. A Facebook page is a distinct presence used solely for business or promotional purposes. Among other things, pages that […]

Clever and Fun Viral Video – Who is the Hero?

This really cool video reminds me of the Xmas card Google did a couple of years ago: Fun Viral Video – Who is the Hero? Facebook Purity, cleaning up your facebook home page

FB Purity v2.8 released – Featuring One click whitelisting of applications

Ive just released V2.8 of Facebook Purity the script that cleans up your Facebook home page. This version features one click whitelisting of applications, better compatibility with older browsers, option to hide the connect with friends box, some apps added to the default whitelist and some bug fixes. See for full release notes.

FB Purity – Script Updated – v2.7 – Added Options Editing Screen

The latest release ( v2.7 ) of Facebook Purity, now has an options editing screen also Added sprint/samsung? photo/video uploader, Sony Ericsson uploader, Music Player & Status Shuffle to default whitelist also added https:// to the list of included pages for those wanting greater security whilst browsing facebook see for more info