Archive for November, 2009

Arc Attack + Felix’s Machines – 2 Cool Music Videos featuring innovative uses of technology

2 cool music videos ArcAttack playing the doctor who theme tune. Electric performance as a guy dressed in a fararday cage suit dances whilst being struck by artificial lightning! Felix’s Machines, wonderful music all performed by custom made machines

3G mobile network coverage map of the UK for the major phone networks

OFCOM have compiled a map of the major 3G mobile company’s network coverage in the UK. The map shows hutchinson (Three), Orange, O2, T-Mobile and Vodafone. From the map, it looks like Three + Orange have the best 3G coverage, and O2s leaves a lot to be desired. The map was compiled in January 2009, […]

POLL : Which ‘Extras’ would you prefer not to be hidden by Facebook Purity?

Im thinking of changing which ‘Extras’ are hidden by default by Facebook Purity and would like to hear some feedback from the users, what do you people think? I guess it partly depends on the number of FB friends you have as to whether you are swept away by the deluge of updates… Anyway please […]

How to Edit Which Extra Stories are Shown or Hidden on Facebook by the Facebook Purity Script

I decided to write a guide for people who would like to see certain “Extra” story types that currently get hidden by the Facebook Purity Greasemonkey script. Heres how you can alter your copy of the script to display the stories you want to see. The section of the code you need to edit is […]

Facebook Purity – FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Facebook Purity? Facebook Purity is a Greasemonkey script that helps you to take control of the News Feeds on your Facebook home page. It does this by filtering out the application spam, such as quizzes etc, and also the messages such as “x became a fan of y”, “x joined group y”, “x […]

FaceBook Purity v2.2a released – Now Blocks Application Photo Spam Too

I just released v2.2a of the facebook purity greasemonkey script for firefox, google chrome, opera, and safari. In this release: I rewrote the filter system. I also updated the “App” filter so it now treats “photos” that have been posted to the feed by an application as application spam and hides them via the “App” […]

Facebook Purity v2.1b – fixes display bug, facebook android added to whitelist

I noticed a bug in Facebook today, a lot of text on the home/live stream is being made bold, when it shouldnt be. This was affecting the script, and means the script was not working 100% correctly. This release fixes that issue. Also new in this release, ive added the Facebook for Android application to […]

The Peacock Spider – A Colourful Creepy Crawly

some great photos by Jurgen Otto of the Peacock Spider never seen or heard of it before, but somehow it reminds me of George Clinton i wonder who copied who, lol

Ive Created a page on the Flickr App Garden

I just read about the flickr app garden that was released quite recently and have created a page there, for my flickr “apps”. You can go to my flickr apps page here: If you like my flickr apps, please add the page as a favourite. thanks! :)

Facebook Purity v2.1 released today – new and improved! :)

FB Purity Script updated 2nd November 2009 Facebook Purity v2.1 Release Notes reset show/hide mode to default when user changes facebook filter added workaround for facebook still showing apps that you have “blocked”, script now “hides” app as well as blocking it, when you click the “block app” link fixed bug with whitelisted apps being […]