FB Purity v6.0.0 Released : FireFox extension is now restartless – Adds “read article” filter + more fixes and tweaks
Heres a list of changes in the latest version of FB Purity (v6.0.0)
The Firefox extension version is now restartless, which means you do not have to restart your browser each time you uninstall or reinstall the extension. (Please note that you need to first uninstall the old version of the firefox extension and restart your browser before installing this version, as it needs to clear out the old non-restartless extension first in order to work)
Added a hide “read an article” option (Not interested in what newspaper stories your friends are reading? well tick this box on the fbp options screen, and they will be hidden.
The Application Whitelist and Custom Text Filter are now bigger boxes, so you can see a lot more text at the same time, and also each item now needs to be on a separate line, rather than comma separated. The boxes are now in a tabbed format, so in order to view each box you need to click on the specific box’s heading at the top of the screen.
Fixed the shared photo filter, so it should now hide more of those “cartoon” and joky images that are getting shared and seem to be all the rage. Tick this option if you want to hide all that kind of junk.
Fixed the fan page stories filter, if you have “clicked like” on lots of facebook pages, you will no doubt be snowed under with endless updates from all those pages, making it hard to find any of your actual real friends status updates etc. Ticking this option will hide all updates from Facebook fan pages from your newsfeed.
Updated the facebook places (checkins) filter, I added a little code to catch a few more of these types of updates.
Sped up the page filtering, ive received reports that the page filtering is now a lot quicker in this new version :)
I fixed the event story filters, so if you are not keen on hearing who is attending/attended events or not interested in people who are creating events all the time, tick this option and those types of stories will be hidden.
I removed the redundant box hiding options. There were a few box hiding options on the fbp settings screen, that are no longer relevant, so i removed them. Please note that if you select to hide the events box, it also hides the pokes and birthdays messages from the left hand column, this is due to how the html code is structured. Also selecting the “hide sponsored box” option not only hides the ads, it also hides other boxes such as the “people to subscribe to” box, “people you may know” and also the “recommended pages” boxes.
I reduced the multiple “wrote on wall” options to a single “wrote on wall” option, the reason for this is it is much harder to differentiate each type of “wrote on wall” post, when filtering with text alone, so i decided it would make sense to merge those options in to a single “wrote on wall” filter option.
I added a basic check for updates button, have not gone down the automatic updates route, as im a bit worried my server will get hammered by all the extra browser requests. This way, if you are curious to see if theres an update available you can simply click the “check for updates” link at the top of the FBP options screen.
I made FBP stop filtering the current logged in user’s and the fbp fab page’s updates. It was a bit annoying that the recent fbp status updates were hidden because i included tips on how to hide certain types of stories in the newsfeed by utilising hte custom text filter, but the phrases i was suggesting to use, actually got caught by the filter themselves (hoist by their own petard, so to speak lol), anyway that should be a thing of the past now that ive made sure fbp doesnt filter out your own posts or those of the FBP fan page.
For more info on this release and to provide feedback, see the FB Purity fan page
The latest firefox extension (v6.0.0) as well as now being “restartless” it is also now compatible with Seamonkey and Iceape.
If you appreciate my work on FBP, please donate http://donate.fbpurity.com, and please let your friends know about FBP too :)
F.B. Purity is a browser extension that cleans up your Facebook homepage, its compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. It decreases the Facebook noise and increases the signal, letting you just see what you want to in your newsfeed.
Install the updated version of F.B. Purity (v6.0.0)
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