2 Random photos from my Flickr PhotoStream

Hi! Im Steeev and I'm going to be using this website kindly hosted by the brilliant guys at for experimenting with web stuff such as php perl and mysql. I've also just setup a "Movable Type" Blog called Excellatronic Communications.

I've just written a new extension for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. I've called it "Ebay Negs!"

Ebay Negs! lets you view all the negative feedback an eBay user has received. There are various ways you can use it. Once you have installed it, you can simply "rightclick" your mouse on an Ebay Username link on any ebay page and then select Ebay Negs, you can also choose whether you want the negative feedback page to open in the current tab or a new tab. An even simpler way to use it is to simply right click anywhere on an Ebay auction page and the extension will try to automatically work out the Ebay username from the page and then take you to the Negative feedback page. Another way to use it is to highlight any text, the text should be an ebay username of course, but it doesnt have to be a link, on any webpage and then "right click" and then select Ebay Negs. And finally if you right click on any webpage and you havent selected any text or a link, or you are not on an ebay auction page a text box will pop up allowing you to type in the ebay username of the person whos negative feedback you wish to check, and you will then be taken to the negative feedback page. The negative feedback page lists all the negative and neutral feedback a user has ever received. This is useful because the actual Ebay website itself doesnt have this feature any more.

You can download and install Ebay Negs! my Ebay Negative Feedback checking extension for Mozilla Firefox from here.

The excellent negative feedback listing service it connects to is hosted at

Check out my first attempt at writing a java applet, this was written over 5 years ago. Its called Internet Traffic and its supposed to show a realtime graph of internet traffic in 5 differnet countries, though its only a simulation, the fluctuations and values are completely random :D

*New* Ive started a page listing some of the really cool free software I have found on the web that is really useful to me, and possibly useful to you too :)

If you want to contact me, you can email me here