February 11, 2005

The National Photo Album - What a great idea! - a national photo archive

Just came across a great site, The National Photo Album Its a photo archive for the UK. Heres the sites manifesto:

"We are urging the nation to dust off its old photograph albums and rummage through its attics to help us create an album of the UK's most striking and interesting images. The average household contains around 1,500 non-digital photographs - that's about 24 billion photos - so we are convinced that lurking out there in the nation's cellars and cupboards are thousands of pictures that have real social and cultural value. We are after photos of individuals, families, workplaces, events, outings, cities, towns and villages; anything which reveals something of the way we have lived over the past hundred years or so."

Site found via LinkFilter

Posted by steeev to Ocular Sweetitudes

at February 11, 2005 01:56 AM