« I Updated my Flickr Groups Organiser Greasemonkey script. It now lets you browse images and discussions. | Main

A number of my Flickr GreaseMonkey scripts just broke as they were dependent on flickrs getElementsByClass js library function

Flickr recently replaced one of their library functions:

So a number of GreaseMonkey scripts that used the old js library call are now broken. The scripts ive found to be affected so far are:
group pool: warn + delete, flickrpm, groups organiser, contacts organiser, flickr quoter and flickr shades. Quas's group tracker script is also affected.

You can get updated versions of the above scripts here: http://steeev.freehostia.com/flickr/.

You can also read more about it in the flickr hacks group here


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 21, 2007 12:33 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I Updated my Flickr Groups Organiser Greasemonkey script. It now lets you browse images and discussions..

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