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June 2007 Archives

June 1, 2007

First Joost now PopFly, nobody seems to be supporting Windows 2000 anymore :(

I got an invite to Joost, the new P2P internet TV application a while back, but was dismayed to find its not compatible with windows 2000. Just had another disappointing experience when i received my PopFly invite. In case you dont know PopFly is microsofts new funky mashups for all website. In order to use popfly, you need to install silverlight, microsofts answer to flash, which yep you guessed it, doesnt support windows 2000, damn damn damn, oh well, goodbye popfly, hello yahoo pipes!

I did eventually get to try out Joost, on a friends computer, and have to say it is quite impressive, well the actual quality of the video beats youtube into a cocked hat, though the actual available content at the moment is not all that great, im sure it will improve a great deal in the future, since they signed lots of deals with some massive content providers.

Oh well, I guess i should really get a new PC at some point, then i wont be partying like its 1999 anymore LOL.

June 11, 2007

An interesting selection of photos from my Flickr photostream

My flickr badge of random photos from my flickr photo stream turned up an interesting combination of photos of characters displaying open mouthed body language. I think the first one is showing fear and or despair, the second one is anger, and the third one, im not sure, i guess hunger? Though the way his eyes are so wide open, could also be shock or surprise.

Scary Monster Face
Scary Monster Face, Camden, London

Cool Statues on Charles Bridge - Prague
Cool Statues on Charles Bridge, Prague

Angry Mask, Farringdon Road
Angry Mask. A decorative feature in front of a restaurant on Farringdon Road, London

recyling bin japan metro
3) Recycling Bin, inside the Japan Metro, either Tokyo or Osaka, i cant remember.

All photos are copyright of Stephen Fernandez.

June 16, 2007

I Updated my Flickr Groups Organiser Greasemonkey script. It now lets you browse images and discussions.

I Updated my Flickr Groups Organiser Greasemonkey script. As well as letting you tag your groups and list your groups by tag, It now lets you browse images and discussions in those tagged groups. Current version = 0.8 - 16th June.

The image browsing functionality was inspired by guu's Group Pool Watch script, but this script now has paging, so you can page through filtered results. The filters available for browsing your tagged groups are: Recent Photos, Earliest Photos, Most Interesting Photos, Least Interesting Photos, Random Photos, Your Pics, Recent Discussions. When browsing by images, if you mouse over a thumnail it replaces the images with a larger version so you can see it more clearly. Theres also a search filter coming too, but its not quite ready yet.

You can get my updated Groups Organiser script here. All my other flickr greasemonkey scripts can be obtained here. If you enjoy using my scripts and appreciate my work, please consider making a donation, so that i can continue my work.

June 21, 2007

A number of my Flickr GreaseMonkey scripts just broke as they were dependent on flickrs getElementsByClass js library function

Flickr recently replaced one of their library functions:

So a number of GreaseMonkey scripts that used the old js library call are now broken. The scripts ive found to be affected so far are:
group pool: warn + delete, flickrpm, groups organiser, contacts organiser, flickr quoter and flickr shades. Quas's group tracker script is also affected.

You can get updated versions of the above scripts here: http://steeev.freehostia.com/flickr/.

You can also read more about it in the flickr hacks group here

About June 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Excellatronic Communications in June 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2007 is the previous archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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