August 20, 2005

A roundup of the GreaseMonkey scripts I've written for

I thought i would write a roundup of the GreaseMonkey scripts I've written for the website recently, which Flickr users might find useful.

Mail Enhancements:

  • PM - Adds quicklinks for sending mail to that user, to their profile, to their photo archive and also to add them as a contact, next to usernames in forums/groups
  • Multi Mailer - Lets you send Flickr mail to multiple recipients
  • Mail Manager - Adds tools for managing your Flick Mail inbox
  • Mail To - Adds a quick way of mailing the link to a Flickr page via Flickr Mail or regular email

    Group Tools:

  • Multi Group Sender - Lets you send your images to multiple groups simultaneously
  • Group Promotion Tool - Lets you quickly add prewritten comments inviting users to join your groups and add their images to the group
  • Group List Sorter - Lets you sort your list of groups alphabetically or numerically
  • Quoter - Lets you easily quote people in the flickr forums/groups.
  • Group Invitations Hider - Hides the list of group invitations on your groups page


  • Publish your faves - Lets you publish your list of most popular photos (by views/interestingness/comments/faves on your website
  • Shades - Lets you change the Flickr website colour scheme
  • Titles+Descriptions Batch Tools - Adds tools for easier batch editing of photos Titles and Descriptions
  • Photobox export to Flickr Lets you quickly export your photos from or any photobox associate site (carphonewarehouse,NTL,Tiscali etc) to your Flickr account.
  • Yahoo Login Bypass - Bypasses the "choose to login with Flickr or Yahoo" and goes straight to the Flickr login screen

    I will update this list, with more detailed descriptions and links etc when i get time.

    In the meantime, you can find all these scripts along with descriptions and also some of my other Flickr Projects here:

    You can also find a whole load more greasemonkey scripts at the greasemonkey script repository here:

    Tags: | | | | |

    Posted by steeev to Cool Software | Firefox | Flickr | GreaseMonkey | Programming | Web Development

    at August 20, 2005 04:01 PM
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