Ive written a new much improved Google Pagerank Bookmarklet, this one uses markusallen's PageRank calculator.
javascript:oldlocation=location.href;n = window.open('','myWindow','resizable,width=220,height=120');n.document.write('<body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">');n.document.write('<form method=post action=http://www.markusallen.org/cgi-bin/rank.pl>');n.document.write('<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=name VALUE=value>');n.document.write('<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=post>');n.document.write('<input type=hidden name=url value=' + oldlocation + '></body>');n.document.close();
as usual you have to create a bookmark, then copy and paste the above code in as the url, then name it something like Check Google PageRank. It works with either Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer. I cant figure out why in the Firefox version, the popup window hides itself behind the main window, if anyone has a clue why this happens and how to fix it please let me know.
Another thing I've noticed is that this bookmarklet doesnt seem to work if you have a popup blockers installed, well in my case it didnt like Proxomitron anyway.
Markusallen's calculator is timing out for me today. Are all PageRank calculators created equal? If so, I've whipped up a bookmarklet that uses the PageRank calculator at mygooglepagerank.com:
No popups or anything fancy, it just builds the URL for their includable GIF.
Posted by: Prentiss Riddle at August 4, 2005 04:46 PM