
general Archives

May 31, 2007

Installed a new version of movable type (3.5) lets see what this baby can do! :)

After moving from, i found a new virtual home here on, hopefully my stay here will be as long as that at f2o, which adds up to about 4 years altogether! Back on the old host i was using movable type 2.661, i failed to export my blog before they switched off the lights on it.

Which meant I could only get a backup of the old blog directory, which ive moved here: A lots happened in the blogging world since v2.6 of MT, such as licensing changes etc, i decided to have a look at the competition, so i installed wordpress, and gave it a go, for some reason i didnt like it all that much, i dont know why, i guess its because im more familiar with movable type, which i'd been using for years.

Anyway i took the plunge and decided to install MT 3.5, to see if it was any good, and blimey, so far im really impressed, in some ways its quite similar to the older version, so its a lot more familiar, and theres obviously lots of new options i need to explore. Its a very nice package all round, with a superb user interface and cool design. I will investigate the various plugins and settings and see if i can figure out the templating system, without resorting to having to wade into the massive pdf manual. You would think web companies woud have realised by now, that online documentation is king, ok a pdf for those freaks that like to print things out and kill the forests could be an option for sure, but a nice web based html manual would be a godsend.

It would be cool if i can figure out a way to import all the old blog entries, that would save having 2 separate directories, 1 for the old and 1 for the new blog, but im not that bothered. Another annoying thing is that the people at said that they would be setting up redirection for peoples sites to their new homes, but its been a few weeks now, since i filed a support ticket, and theres been no action on that front, despite dan saying that the redirect would get done, oh well.

June 1, 2007

First Joost now PopFly, nobody seems to be supporting Windows 2000 anymore :(

I got an invite to Joost, the new P2P internet TV application a while back, but was dismayed to find its not compatible with windows 2000. Just had another disappointing experience when i received my PopFly invite. In case you dont know PopFly is microsofts new funky mashups for all website. In order to use popfly, you need to install silverlight, microsofts answer to flash, which yep you guessed it, doesnt support windows 2000, damn damn damn, oh well, goodbye popfly, hello yahoo pipes!

I did eventually get to try out Joost, on a friends computer, and have to say it is quite impressive, well the actual quality of the video beats youtube into a cocked hat, though the actual available content at the moment is not all that great, im sure it will improve a great deal in the future, since they signed lots of deals with some massive content providers.

Oh well, I guess i should really get a new PC at some point, then i wont be partying like its 1999 anymore LOL.

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